Blue Light Glasses

Blue Light Glasses

Blue Light Glasses




Blue light is part of the visible light and it reaches deeper into the eye more than any other visible light in the spectrum.

The visible light spectrum is the wavelengths between 380 to 740 nanometers. The blue lights are just beyond the potentially harmful ultraviolet light and they have the shortest wavelengths (380 to 500 nanometer) and also with the highest energy. They often referred to as high-energy visible (HEV) light.

The human eye does not have a system to block blue light in the same way as it blocks the UV light. The cornea and natural crystalline lens block UV rays and don’t allow these lights to reach the retina and the back of the eye. We get constant exposure to blue lights every day from the sun which is the largest source of blue light. Other sources are televisions, computer screens, tablets and smartphones.



What are the benefits of Blue Lights Glasses


These glasses block the negative effects of blue light and here are some of these effects:

1- Exposure to Blue light increases the risk of macular degeneration later in life. Blue lights with the shortest wavelength are responsible for that. As we said before that the eye has no blocking system for the blue lights and they can penetrate easily all the way to the retina. Too much exposure to these lights can damage light sensitive cells in the retina.

2- Computer Vision Syndrome. There are two reasons behind the occurrence of eye strain from computer and smartphone. The first one is overusing the computer and other digital devices for long hours without any break can cause eye fatigue. The second cause is that those blue short wavelengths scattered more than any other visible lights when they enter the eyes and cause blurry and unclear image with reduction in the contrast. Lenses that block blue lights increase contrast significantly and reduce symptoms of digital eye strain.



3- Blue lights disrupt the circadian rhythm cycle or the wake/sleep cycle, especially if you use the computer or your mobile at night before sleep. Decreased light at night signals the body to release the sleep hormone that is called melatonin. The level of melatonin is reduced in people who exposed for blue lights for long periods of times and makes it more difficult for them to fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning.

4- Migraine. Blue lights are most likely to trigger or aggravate light sensitivity in people with migraine and also this exposure can bring on other symptoms of migraine such as headache, vertigo and nausea.

5- Blepharospasm. Patients with blepharospasm are more sensitive to blue lights and they found that blue light glasses can improve their abilities to control the symptoms of blepharospasm.

6- Blue light triggered Photosensitive epilepsy. Photosensitive epilepsy is type of seizure that can be triggered from exposure to certain visual stimuli cartoons, electronics, and video games.



How Can You Reduce the effects of Blue light?


• Blue light glasses. These glasses block most of blue light and when purchasing these eyeglasses be sure that they block UV lights and blue lights up to 455 nanometers.

• Turn your computer and smartphone off at least 2-3 hours before you go to bed so you can get a good sleep at night.



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