Guide to Eyelash Extension

Eyelash extension cost

Guide to Eyelash Extension




Eyelash extensions are individual synthetic or natural lashes that are applied to your own lashes using a special adhesive. The extensions are used to enhance the length, thickness, and fullness of your natural lashes, giving you a more dramatic and defined look.

The process is typically done by a trained professional in a salon or spa setting, and can take between 1-2 hours. After the extensions are applied, you need to take care of them properly in order to maintain the look, including avoiding getting them wet for the first 24 hours, avoiding oil-based products, and scheduling regular touch-ups or fills every 2-3 weeks.




How Do You Choose The Right Eyelash Extensions

When choosing eyelash extensions, there are a few things to consider to make sure that you get the right type and look for you:

1- Material: Eyelash extensions can be made from synthetic or natural materials such as mink or silk. Synthetic lashes are more affordable and come in a variety of colors, while natural lashes are more expensive and typically come in black or brown.

2- Length: You can choose from a variety of lengths, from short to long, to achieve the look you want. Be mindful that longer lashes can be heavier and may not be suitable for everyone.

3- Thickness: You can also choose the thickness of the extensions, from thin to thick, to achieve the desired look.

4- Curl: You can choose from different curls, from J curl, C curl, D curl, L curl, to achieve the desired look.

5- Consultation: Before getting eyelash extensions, it's important to consult with a trained professional to discuss the look you want to achieve and to make sure that the treatment is suitable for you.

6- Aftercare: It's important to ask the professional about the aftercare of the eyelash extensions, follow their instructions to ensure that the extensions last as long as possible.

It's also important to go to a reputable and trained professional for eyelash extensions, as improper application or aftercare can lead to irritation, allergic reactions, or even damage to your natural lashes.




Eyelash Extension Length

When choosing eyelash extensions, one of the factors to consider is the length of the extensions. The length of the extensions can vary, from short to long, and will affect the overall look of your lashes. Short extensions:

Short extensions are typically around 6-8mm in length and are good for people with naturally short or sparse lashes. They give a subtle and natural-looking enhancement to your lashes.

Medium extensions: Medium extensions are typically around 9-11mm in length and are a good option for people with naturally medium-length lashes. They give a more noticeable enhancement to your lashes and can be used to create a variety of looks.

Long extensions: Long extensions are typically 12mm or longer and are good for people with naturally long lashes. They give a dramatic and dramatic enhancement to your lashes. But be mindful that longer lashes can be heavier and may not be suitable for everyone.

It's important to consult with a trained professional to discuss the look you want to achieve and to make sure that the treatment is suitable for you. They will be able to help you choose the right length of extensions for your natural lashes and desired look.




Eyelash Extension Volume

When choosing eyelash extensions, another factor to consider is the volume of the extensions. The volume of the extensions can vary, from classic, hybrid, and volume, and will affect the overall look of your lashes.

Classic Eyelash Extension: Classic eyelash extension is the traditional method of applying one extension per natural lash. It is perfect for clients who have a good number of natural lashes or for those who want a more natural look.

Hybrid Eyelash Extension: Hybrid eyelash extension is a combination of classic and volume methods. It is a good option for clients who want a more dramatic look than classic but not as dramatic as volume.

Volume Eyelash Extension: Volume eyelash extension is a method of applying multiple lightweight extensions per natural lash. It is perfect for clients who have a sparse natural lashes or for those who want a more dramatic look.

It's important to consult with a trained professional to discuss the look you want to achieve and to make sure that the treatment is suitable for you. They will be able to help you choose the right volume of extensions for your natural lashes and desired look. Also, note that the volume of the extensions will affect the weight on your natural lashes, if the volume is too high, it could damage your natural lashes.




Eyelash Extension Curl Type

When choosing eyelash extensions, another factor to consider is the curl of the extensions. The curl of the extensions can vary, and will affect the overall look of your lashes.

J curl: J curl lashes have a slight upward bend at the base. They are great for clients who have straight natural lashes and want a more natural-looking enhancement.

B curl: B curl lashes have a more pronounced upward bend at the base. They are great for clients who have naturally curled lashes and want a subtle enhancement or for those who want a more dramatic look.

C curl: C curl lashes have a slight upward and outward bend at the base. They are great for clients who have naturally straight lashes and want a more dramatic enhancement.

D curl: D curl lashes have a more pronounced upward and outward bend at the base. They are great for clients who want a very dramatic and curled look.

L curl: L curl lashes have a more pronounced horizontal bend at the base. They are great for clients who want a more dramatic and curled look.




How Do You Take Care of Eyelash Extensions?

Proper care is essential for maintaining the look and longevity of your eyelash extensions. Here are some tips for taking care of eyelash extensions:

1- Avoid getting them wet for the first 24 hours after the treatment.

2- Avoid using oil-based products, such as makeup removers, on or near your lashes. Use water-based products, or those specially formulated for eyelash extensions.

3- Brush your lashes daily with a clean mascara wand to keep them from tangling or matting.

4- Avoid rubbing your eyes or pulling on the extensions.

5- Avoid sleeping on your stomach or face-down, which can cause the extensions to tangle or fall out prematurely.

6- Avoid sauna, steam room and swimming on the first 24 hours after the treatment.

7- Schedule regular touch-ups or fills every 2-3 weeks to maintain the look and refill any lashes that have fallen out. Consult with your professional if you have any issues or concerns with your extensions. By following these tips, you can ensure that your eyelash extensions last as long as possible and continue to look beautiful.




How to Clean Your Eyelash Extensions

To keep your eyelash extensions looking their best, it's important to clean them regularly. Here's how to clean your eyelash extensions:

1- Gently brush your lashes with a clean mascara wand to remove any dirt or debris.

2- Use a mild, oil-free cleanser specifically formulated for eyelash extensions. Avoid using regular soap or shampoo as they can damage the extensions.

3- Apply the cleanser to a cotton swab or your fingertips and gently cleanse your lashes, being careful not to get the cleanser in your eyes.

4- Rinse your lashes with lukewarm water and pat them dry with a clean towel.

5- Repeat this process every 2-3 days or as needed, depending on your lifestyle and activity level.

6- It's also important to clean your eyelash extensions before going to bed, to remove any makeup or dirt that may have accumulated during the day.

By keeping your eyelash extensions clean, you can ensure that they last as long as possible and continue to look beautiful. Also, it's important to consult with your professional if you have any issues or concerns with your extensions.




What are Eyelash Extension Mites

Eyelash extension mites, also known as eyelash lice or eyelash mites, are tiny insects that can infest eyelash extensions, as well as the natural lashes. They are similar to head lice and can cause itching, redness, and irritation of the eyes and eyelids. They can also cause damage to the natural lashes and extensions.

The mites are tiny, translucent and can be hard to spot. They are attracted to oils, dirt and makeup residues, which can accumulate on the lashes, making it easier for the mites to infest the extensions.

To prevent eyelash extension mites, it is important to keep the lashes clean and free of oils and dirt. This can be done by using a mild, oil-free cleanser specifically formulated for eyelash extensions, and by avoiding using oily makeup or skincare products. Also, it's important to schedule regular touch-ups or fills every 2-3 weeks, as this allows the professional to inspect the lashes for any signs of mites or damage.

If you suspect that you may have eyelash extension mites, it is important to seek treatment right away, as the longer the infestation persists, the greater the damage to your lashes can be. A professional will be able to properly diagnose and treat the infestation, which may include removal of the extensions, and using a medicated treatment.




Do Eyelash Extensions Damage Your Natural Lashes?

Eyelash extensions can cause damage to your natural lashes if not applied or maintained properly. Some of the most common ways extensions can damage your natural lashes include:

1- Overuse: If extensions are applied too frequently or left on for too long, they can cause damage to the natural lashes by weighing them down, breaking them or causing them to fall out prematurely.

2- Incorrect application: If extensions are applied incorrectly, they can cause damage by pulling on the natural lashes or by gluing the extensions to the skin instead of the lashes.

3- Improper aftercare: Using oil-based products, picking or pulling on the extensions or not keeping them clean can all cause damage to the natural lashes.

4- Allergic reactions: Some people may have an allergic reaction to the adhesive used to apply the extensions, which can cause itching, redness, and inflammation.

5- Mites: Improperly cleaned or maintained extensions can attract mites, which can cause damage to the natural lashes.

By going to a reputable and trained professional, following their aftercare instructions, and scheduling regular touch-ups or fills every 2-3 weeks, you can help prevent damage to your natural lashes. If you have any concerns or notice any damage, it's important to consult with your professional. They may recommend removing the extensions or taking a break from them to allow your natural lashes to recover.




Can You Swim with Eyelash Extensions

It is generally not recommended to swim with eyelash extensions, as the water can cause the adhesive to break down and the extensions to fall out prematurely. It is also important to avoid submerging your face in water for at least 24 hours after the extensions are applied. Chlorine in swimming pools can also cause damage to the extensions and discoloration to the adhesive.

If you must go swimming, it's best to wear a waterproof eyelash shield or to tie your hair up to keep water away from your lashes. After swimming, it's important to rinse your lashes with clean water, and dry them gently with a clean towel.

It's also important to avoid sauna, steam room and any other activities that involve high humidity and heat that can cause the adhesive to break down, and the extensions to fall out prematurely.

By following these precautions, you can help prolong the life of your eyelash extensions and maintain their appearance. As always, it's important to consult with your professional for specific aftercare instructions and to address any concerns you may have about your extensions.




Eyelash extension cost

The cost of eyelash extensions can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of extensions used, the length and thickness of the extensions, and the location of the salon or spa. Here are some general price ranges to give you an idea:

Classic eyelash extensions: $50-$150

Hybrid eyelash extensions: $70-$200

Volume eyelash extensions: $100-$300

Refills/ Touch-ups: $40-$75

It's important to note that prices can vary widely depending on the location and the quality of the salon or spa, as well as the experience and qualifications of the technician. It is recommended to schedule a consultation before the treatment to get an accurate cost and to make sure the professional is reputable, trained and certified.

It's also important to note that eyelash extensions are not a one-time cost, as you will need to schedule regular touch-ups or refills every 2-3 weeks to maintain the look and refill any lashes that have fallen out.

It's always a good idea to shop around and compare prices, but also to consider the reputation, experience, and qualifications of the technician, as this will affect the quality of the service and the final result.




How to apply eyelash extensions at Home?

Applying eyelash extensions at home can be challenging and requires proper training and practice. It is also important to note that improper application or aftercare can lead to irritation, allergic reactions, or even damage to your natural lashes.

If you still decide to proceed with applying eyelash extensions at home, here are some general steps to follow:

1- Purchase a professional eyelash extension kit that includes the lashes, adhesive, and tools, and make sure to read the instructions carefully before starting.

2- Prepare your natural lashes by cleaning them and removing any makeup or oil.

3- Isolate one natural lash at a time using tweezers.

4- Apply a small amount of adhesive to the base of the extension and place it on the natural lash, making sure the extension is at the right angle and not too heavy.

5- Repeat the process for each natural lash.

6- Allow the adhesive to dry before opening your eyes.

7- Follow the aftercare instructions provided in the kit to maintain the lashes and avoid damage to your natural lashes. It's important to note that applying eyelash extensions at home can be difficult and time-consuming, and it's always best to have it done by a professional. If you're not comfortable with the process or you're having trouble, it's best to stop and visit a professional.




Eyelash extension removal at Home

Removing eyelash extensions at home can be challenging and requires proper knowledge and practice. It is important to note that improper removal can lead to irritation, allergic reactions, or even damage to your natural lashes.

If you still decide to proceed with removing eyelash extensions at home, here are some general steps to follow:

1- Purchase a professional eyelash extension removal kit that includes the solvent and tools, and make sure to read the instructions carefully before starting.

2- Protect the area around your eyes with a cotton pad, or a piece of gauze to avoid irritation.

3- Apply the solvent on the base of the extensions, following the instructions of the kit.

4- Wait for the appropriate time (usually around 3-5 minutes) for the adhesive to break down.

5- Gently remove the extensions one by one using tweezers.

6- Cleanse your natural lashes to remove any remaining adhesive.

7- Follow the aftercare instructions provided in the kit to take care of your lashes after removal.

It's important to note that removing eyelash extensions at home can be difficult and time-consuming, and it's always best to have it done by a professional. If you're not comfortable with the process or you're having trouble, it's best to stop and visit a professional. Additionally, it's important to avoid using any household products to remove the extensions as they can be harmful to your natural lashes and skin.




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