Eyes are burning, only extremely hard blinking gives brief relief



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 11/10/2018 - 22:26
United States
Did you perform any surgery for the eyes?
Do you suffer from pre-existing illnesses in the eye?
Do you suffer from any diseases in the body?

Reflux, scoliosis, bipolar, adhd, anxiety, sleep apnea, restless legs.

Do you use any eye drops?
Do you wear Contact lenses or Eyeglasses?

I do but only for driving. My vision astigmatism is very mild, but enough that I am required to wear them in order to legally drive. I can manage seeing words from far distance without them but it is harder and that is a safety risk on the road





For the last few weeks I have had these periodic feelings where my eyes burn. It feels like the sensation you get when you purposely don't blink.

I do blink. But I still feel the burn. Tonight it got worse. Constantly I am doing this hard blink squint where I blink really hard but have to hold it shut tight for about 3 to 5 seconds at the most to get a few seconds of not burning eyes then I gotta do it again.

Is this a symptom of dry eyes? if so is there a specific eye drop brand you would recommend

Thank you



Thanks for your Question



Yes this is one of the symptoms of dry eyes. You should read this article about the treatments of dry eyes.

There are many over the counter lubricant eye drops such as systane, genteal, optive, refresh tears and so on. Try to use preservative free lubrication.