Yellowish area in the white part of my eyes



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 04/01/2019 - 20:30
Did you perform any surgery for the eyes?
Do you suffer from pre-existing illnesses in the eye?
Do you suffer from any diseases in the body?

Slight Hormonal imbalance (irregular periods, excessive body hair, No ovarian cysts)

Do you use any eye drops?
Do you use any eye drops?





The whites of the back of my eyeballs have a different color to the whites on the front of my eyes, they are less white and yellowish. 

This has been the case for about 2.5 years now.  I don't take any medications at the moment only occasionally vitamins and I eat a healthy low carb diet and am not overweight. I rarely use makeup or products around my eyes. 

How can I make them white all around again? 




Thanks for your Question



This is completely normal, as there is a difference in the histology and the anatomy between the conjunctiva ( the clear and thin membrane that cover the sclera or white part of the eye ) that covers the white part in the anterior or the front part of the eye and the conjunctiva that covers the white part in the back or posterior part of the eye.

Yellow discoloration is significant when it appears in the anterior part of the sclera as in pterygium or pinguale or when it appears in the whole eye such in jaundice.


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