Ophthalmology Terminology E

Ophthalmology Terminology E

Ophthalmology Terminology E​



Ectropion. The Eyelid is turning outward in which the inner surface is exposed to the outside.

Ectropion Uveae Tissue from the back surface of the iris is growing through the iris or pupillary margin to the anterior or front surface of the iris. This tissue has deep dark brown color.

Electrooculogram. An instrument that is used to record the changes in electrical potential that occurs between the front and back of the eyeball as the eye move. Pair of electrodes are places either above and below or right and left of the eye. This technique is used to detect retinal dysfunction.

Enucleation. Removal of the eyeball while sparing the eyelid,extraocular muscles and other orbital contents such as optic nerve and fat tissue.

Endophthalmitis. Infection of the intraocular structures and cavities and it is caused either after trauma, surgery or systemic infections.

Entropion. The eyelid is deviated inward, toward the eyeball in which the external surface of the eyelid margin and eyelashes are in touch with the corneal surface.

Epiblepharon. A condition that is characterized by vertical direction of the eyelashes due to abnormal extra fold of skin over the eyelid margin.

Epicanthic Fold. A fold of skin that arise from upper or lower eyelid and extends to medial or inner corner of the eye. It can be seen mainly in Asians and Orientals.

Epi Lasik.



Epiphora. Excessive lacrimation or overproduction of tears.

Epiretinal Membrane. Abnormal fibrous membrane that developed at the interface between the retina and posterior face of the vitreous.It occurs mainly over the macular area of the retina which can cause many complications.

Esotropia. Inward deviation of the eyeball or deviation of the eyeball toward the nose.

Evaporative Dry Eyes.

Evisceration. Removal of the internal structures of the eye ball while leaving the sclera, extraocular muscles and orbital structures.

Exotropia. Outward deviation of the eyeball.

Extracapsular Cataract Extraction.

Exudates. Waxy, yellow lesions in the retina that arrange in rings or clumps and occur near to chronic leaking blood vessels.



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