Pierre Robin Sequence

Pierre Robin Sequence

Pierre Robin Sequence​




Pierre Robin Sequence is a condition that presents at birth. It can be associated with hereditary diseases such as Stickler Syndrome.


It is characterized by:

1- Small lower jaw.

2- The tongue appears large because the lower jaw is small and there is no enough place for the tongue.

3- Difficulties in breathing because the tong can be displaced back and obstruct the airway or respiratory passages.

4- High arched Palate and Cleft Palate (opening at the roof of the mouth). The tongue is higher in its position than in normal infant because of the small jaw. This high position prevents the closure of the cleft palate.

5- Recurrent ear infections.



Complications of Pierre Robin Sequence

1- Breathing difficulties

The tongue can be displaced back to obstruct the airway tract especially during sleep and for this reason, the infant shouldn’t stay on his back and should be positioned on his stomach. The majority of infants respond to this but some patients may require surgical intervention.

2- Feeding difficulties

Due to small lower jaw, large tongue and cleft palate. Special adapted nipples and bottles can be used and in severe cases, nasogastric tube can be used. At age 2 years, this problem can disappear because the jaw grows more sufficiently.



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