I have severe Blepharitis



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 03/22/2017 - 19:08
United Kingdom
Did you perform any surgery for the eyes?
Do you suffer from pre-existing illnesses in the eye?

Blepharitis, dry eyes

Do you suffer from any diseases in the body?
Do you use any eye drops?
Do you use any eye drops?





I have blepharitis and dry eyes. I have very bad vision, so about 5 years I was wearing contact lenses.

After recent diagnose I had more than one month break from contacts and eye make up like doctor recommended, but I have some issues wearing glasses and I cannot to wait going back to wear contacts.

The issue is I still constantly have eye pain even if I am using hot eye mask and eye lubrication drops helps just for very short time. The other issue is that I constantly have all this redness because my eye balls covered in blood vessels that not going away even if I am using eye drops.

I know it is a chronic disease and I just want to know if there is any other things that could help me going back as soon as possible to wearing contact lenses and make up again.

Thank you very much for your help.



Thanks for your Question



In general Lid Hygiene is very important to treat blepharitis. There are many diseases, ocular and systemic that can cause blepharitis. Were you diagnosed with any of these ?

You can read this article about treatment of blepharitis, it can be helpful.

Try to use non preservative lubricant eye drops. Try not to use contact lens until your blepharitis condition is controlled and there is no dryness.