I have Congenital cataract and glaucoma



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 03/28/2015 - 17:07
United States
Did you perform any surgery for the eyes?

Cataracts removal, eye muscle surgery, and lens implant surgery

Do you suffer from pre-existing illnesses in the eye?


Do you suffer from any diseases in the body?
Do you use any eye drops?
Do you wear Contact lenses or Eyeglasses?

distance glasses and reading glasses





I was diagnosed with cataracts as an infant, and had my first surgery removed at eight months old. I have had five surgeries altogether, two to remove the cataracts, one for my eye muscles, and two for lens implants.

I am also nearsighted as a result of the surgeries, and wear two different pairs of glasses, one for reading, and the other for distance, in my every day life. I go to see my eye doctor once a year, and am currently being watched for glaucoma.

During my last visit, in Feb. 2016, my eye pressure was measured at a 28, but I can't remember if it was only in my left eye, or both.

Recently, I have noticed that I am having double vision in my left eye when looking up at a light, or my computer screen.

Am I being paranoid, or would it be better to have my doctor check it out? I go back next month.




Thanks for your Question



I would prefer to visit your eye doctor again to check intraocular pressure. Normal intraocular pressure should be between 10-20 mmHg and yours was 28 which is higher than normal. You  should start on Anti Glaucoma Eye Drops.