What contact lens should I use?



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 06/22/2015 - 05:20
United States
Did you perform any surgery for the eyes?
Do you suffer from pre-existing illnesses in the eye?
Do you suffer from any diseases in the body?
Do you use any eye drops?
Do you use any eye drops?




Hi Doctor!

My name is Aisha and I am 15 years old. I go to an eye specialist who is not good at verbal communication...or any other form of communication. It's just really awkward between him and I, so I decided to come online for help. I don't have dry eye syndrome, just to get that out of the way.

Well, a couple of months (a little bit longer that 5) ago I got the Acuvue 1 day moist contacts, highly recommended by my doctor and his front-desk-lady. First couple of days, there weren't any problems, that's why I bought 2 boxes of them. Then after a month, when i wore them again, they got really dry after 4-6 hours and every time I blinked, I could feel them and they'd get blurry.

This is incredibly uncomfortable and has fueled my hate for contacts. I tried the wetting drops but they don't help at all. Also, it's as if I can feel the edge of the contacts throughout the day. It' like being in Eye-jail.

What I want is the thing people talk about. "Contacts that disappear in your eyes." That is what I was striving for and instead, I wasted my mom's money. I haven't even used a whole box yet because I loathe those things.

What Contacts will fit this criteria: 1) doesn't dry out so quickly 2) daily use only 3) "disappears when put into eyes" 4) Doesn't need eye drops 5) LIVES UP TO COMFORTABLE EXPECTATIONS!

Thank you for you help, Doctor!



Thanks for your Question


Dry eyes with contact lenses is a common problem. Proclear contact lenses are considered as one of the best contact lenses for dry eyes. It is the only FDA approved contact lens that can be used in people who suffered from dry eyes.

Also it contains certain material called phosphorylcholine which prevents your eyes from perceiving contact lens as a foreign object.

Try not to wear contact lenses for more than 6 hours per day and also you should take them off at least 1-2 days per week.

There are special artificial tears that can be used for contact lens wearer with dry eyes such as Systane eye drops for contacts. These eye drops are specially made for this purpose.